
by SpadeWorx Software Services Pvt Ltd

Bravo recognition platform

Bravo is peer-to-peer employee recognition platform. BravoNow enables user to send recognition card to anyone at work.

BRAVO enables organization to implement peer-to-peer employee recognition process. Bravo is a culture transformation agent that aligns recognition process with the organizational values. This alignment helps organizations inculcate desirable employee behaviors. Peer-to-peer process democratizes employee recognition and it brings higher visibility among peers to promote and celebrate right traits.

Culture of appreciation enables organization to improve employee motivation, customer satisfaction while reducing attrition. Bravo for Teams enables user to send appreciation to someone in the company and outside.

BRAVO addresses Key Success Factors of recognition program. Also, recognizing an employee for a job well done only takes a moment, but the benefits to your employees and to your organization will last for years.

Bravo Capabilities -

1) Bravo Cards – A unique way to give peer to peer recognition's based on values driven pictorial cards.

2) Bravo Values - Each value is uniquely defined and different cards attached for every single value.

How to use it:

1)How to give Bravo

Using Extension :-

Select BravoNow app From the Extension pane.

Click on "Continue free version".

Search for user, Select the user from the options.

Select value and card from the carousel.

Click on “Next” button.

Enter Your Bravo Message.

Click on “SayBravo” to post the Bravo.

Using BOT :-

Type as @BravoNow @username And Press Send.

Select value OR Change Value.

Select card OR change card if available multiple cards.

Enter Recognition Message

Press "Post Bravo" button.


Type as @BravoNow help in teams scope And help in Personal scope.

Press send

3)Instruction Card

Type as @BravoNow EnterAnyKeywordRandom

Press send

App capabilities:

When this app is used, it

1) Can send data over the Internet

2) This app can access user information

BravoNow app doesn't require sign up flow.


Get more details about BRAVO on


For any questions or feature requests please email us at

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can send data over the Internet
  • This app can access personal information on the active message, such as phone numbers, postal addresses, or URLs. The app may send this data to a third-party service. Other items in your mailbox can’t be read or modified.

At a glance