
by SpadeWorx Software Services Pvt Ltd

Bravo is peer-to-peer employee recognition platform

BRAVO enables organization to implement peer-to-peer employee recognition process. Bravo is a culture transformation agent that aligns recognition process with the organizational values. This alignment helps organizations inculcate desirable employee behaviours. Peer-to-peer process democratizes employee recognition and it brings higher visibility among peers to promote and celebrate right traits

For HR leaders Bravo gives useful insights such as network analysis of recognitions, Business value penetration, sentiment analysis and gender diversity.

BRAVO addresses Key Success Factors of recognition program.

Bravo Capabilities -

  • Bravo Cards – A unique way to give peer to peer recognition's based on values driven pictorial cards with awesome filters.

  • Augmented Writing – helps user nicely word their recognition expression with analytical assistance

  • Bravo Leader boards – Company and department leader boards displaying leading recognition contributors (receivers/givers)

  • Bravo Feed – Company and department feed for wider visibility of the recognition, engaged employees.

  • My Dashboard – Details for logged in user related data

  • Social Share – Capability to share your bravo card on social platform like Facebook, Linked In, Google + etc. in a hassle-free manner.

  • Connections – Gives options to connect to peers in extended network recognized for certain values set essentials for task, assignments, knowledge sharing.

How to install and configure -

1. Install the “Bravo" Add-in

2. Go to 'Site Contents' and click on add-in "Bravo"

3. It will redirect you to "Bravo Config Page"

4. Fill in all the required information on the form

5. Click on "Configure Bravo" button

6. Once done with all configuration follow all the manual steps on Configure Bravo page. These are the mandatory steps for Bravo to work smoothly

7. Now Bravo is installed, and you can access it using "Click Here" link on the Config Bravo Page or access the "Bravo" add-in through "Site Contents" page


Get more details about BRAVO on


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At a glance