Whistleblower Hotline

by WhistleBlower Security Inc.

Collect, investigate and manage misconduct reports with our hotline and case management platform.

Since 2005, WhistleBlower Security has been the affordable choice for organizations that want to identify waste, fraud, harassment, and other misconduct through an anonymous employee hotline. Your team can then investigate, mitigate, report, and track all complaints in our web-based case management platform.

If you are an HR leader, audit chair, risk manager, or legal officer who is responsible for acting when employees "speak up", our IntegtrityCounts platform works seamlessly to collect, store and collate data efficiently and conveniently providing you with clear insights into each and every case without interruption.

If you are replacing an internal system, looking to upgrade from another 3rd party platform, or are researching an ethics hotline for the first time, connect with one of our experts to see if we are a good fit for your organization.

IntegtrityCounts will increase engagement between employees and your organizations to build a culture of integrity. We work globally with companies in every industry.

At a glance