NTT Teams Cloud Voice Service

by NTT Singapore Pte Ltd

NTT Teams Cloud Voice Calling Plans

What NTT can offer : 

1. Provides PSTN capability to Teams for your users to make and receive calls (external users)

2. Calling plans and user numbers in 39+ countries, with full regulatory compliance

3. Offers Number Porting services

4. Flexible service and staged rollout, migrating as many or as few employees per phase as required -24/7 support desk. 

Why NTT:

1. Consolidating all Chat, voice and video meetings under Teams

2. Enables Remote/ Hybrid working environment

3. Consolidating all Chat, voice and video meetings under Teams

4. No on-premise hardware with ability to Scale on Demand

6. Flexible Calling Plans with Number Porting (Pick and choose Domestic and International plan based on users calling requirements)

7. One Global Contract and single vendor to manage

At a glance