Video Hyper-Personalization & Search Solution
by Linius Technologies
Hyper-personalized video is here: No two streams need ever be the same again
Linius achieves this by exposing and indexing the data inside video files – enabling you to search within a video file, or video files – to instantly assemble only the required segments. The result? The ability to automatically deliver previously impossible hyper-personalized video streams on-the-fly.
Linius delivers hyper-personalized video content in two ways:
• Self Service: Personally search for any object, across any number of video sources, and immediately playback the content that matches your search results with the Linius embeddable Search Widget.
• Automated Delivery: Programmatically deliver an infinite number of streams to individuals, based on any business rule, including consumption preferences or behaviour.
Give every viewer the exact video content they want in milliseconds – no human hands required. Dramatically increase audience engagement, subscription and ad revenues – all while drastically reducing video production costs.
Transform your business with hyper-personalized video experiences only possible with Linius.
For more, contact us today: