legal360 by HSO

by HSO

Gain a 360-degree view of your entire firm. Any time, from any location, on any device.

Built on the industry-leading Microsoft Dynamics 365 cloud platform, legal360 is the industry’s most modern and comprehensive marketing, business development, ERM, and relationship intelligence suite of applications. Used by many of the preeminent law firms around the world, legal360 helps law firms leverage their relationships and experience to generate more new business and better support their existing clients.

Built for Law Firms

legal360 extends the power of the Microsoft cloud platform, seamlessly connecting all aspects of your firm to create a unified experience. With AI-infused apps, deep data & analytics capabilities and modern workplace tools, you can harness the power of Microsoft to drive automation, real-time actionable insights and deliver results.

Why legal360?
• Identify, understand, and leverage your firm’s most powerful assets – your relationships.
• Successfully manage and win new business opportunities with a strong set of development tools.
• Build a centralized library of attorney experience, clients, matter details, pitches, and proposals.
• Seamlessly integrate with marketing automation, time and billing, and other software systems to consolidate and analyze client, matter, experience, and relationship data.

What makes legal360 unique?
Built on Microsoft’s proven and secure Azure cloud platform, legal360 offers an integrated CRM + ERM approach and leverages the Microsoft desktop and mobile tools your attorneys use every day to provide the industry’s most modern and comprehensive marketing, business development, and relationship intelligence suite.

At a glance