Gaia Public Transport

by Gaia System AB

A cloud based solution for Passenger Information and Services

This application is available in Swedish

Gaia Public Transport (GPT) is a cloud based solution for Passenger Information and Services, used by Public Transport Authorities and and Public Transport Operators that want to publish real-time passenger information to all passengers in all channels.

The heart of the solution is a cloud based, real-time updated digital twins model that keeps track of state and position for vehicles, stop areas and even passengers in some cases.

GPT can obtain real-time position for vehicles from a GNSS (GPS) service onboard the vehicle directly, from an on-premises operations system at the PTA/PTO or from an national public open data endpoint (like Trafiklab in Sweden).  All static or semi-static data like Lines, Trips, Routes, Stops and StopTimes is also retrieved from on-premises operations systems or national open data endpoints.

In the digital twin model all arrivals, departures, sign-change and call-outs is calculated and forecasted in real-time. Using a scalable cloud based real-time distribution system, GPT can update IoT devices located on the vehicles as well as passenger smartphones with real-time passenger information.

The IoT-devices can be managed directly inside the management function of GPT. GPT's device management is built on top of Azure Device Management and offers a secure and scalable management function.  

The user facing components of the system are:

  • Device Management web for provisioning and configuring IoT Devices at scale
  • System Management web, a map based business monitoring and configuration application
  • Destination App, an IoT application for controlling external LED displays on vehicles
  • Call-Out app, an IoT application for alerting passengers with audio messages
  • Up-coming stops, an IoT application for showing upcoming stops on a Trip
  •  Smartphone app for monitoring the passenger information for a given vehicle.

At a glance