Lean Retail Assessment for Retail Chains
by FieldStack
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Analytics tool for evaluating growth opportunities within retail chains
Powerful new AI-driven analytics tool for maximizing retail profits
Discover the Hidden Growth & Profit Potential of Your Retail Chain
Lean Retail Assessments offer retailers a new way to look at their business – simulating a fully unified and optimized view of a retail chain. This analysis gives retailers the opportunity to make better decisions and leverage operational strengths by uncovering specific areas for value creation. Even profitable retail chains have the potential to further optimize and scale with the right AI-driven technology.
Get ready to maximize the profit potential of your retail chain and discover its unrealized value.
How it Works
Our unified commerce platform is powered by a proprietary AI-powered Lean Retail Analytics Engine. This engine ingests massive amounts of diverse historical and real-time data from a retail organization. Through our Lean Retail Assessment, we create a simulated unified view of the operation, even for chains with currently disconnected retail systems. The input typically includes everything from multichannel data sets including customer information and transactions, loyalty programs and CRM, inventory, merchandising, orders, vendors, supply chain, and more.
Once the data is run through the Lean Retail Analytics Engine and analyzed, opportunities for value creation are identified. In a collaborative Envisioning Session, our team will share the specific opportunities that exist through revenue growth, profit improvement, and increased cash flow. The findings from the analysis and Envisioning Session are documented in a report.
Specific recommendations will vary by company, but our data analysis tends to uncover significant opportunities within (but not limited to):
- Customer Experience and Loyalty
- Labor Efficiency and Optimization
- Inventory Optimization
- Operational Efficiencies
- Pricing and Promotions
- Resale Profitability
Lean Retail Assessments enable retailers to quickly turn AI-powered insights into action. Beyond the initial assessment and modeling scenarios, the same unified platform that uncovers the opportunities enables rapid implementation of those changes across the chain. However, retailers are under no obligation to proceed with FieldStack following the initial engagement.
The Lean Retail Assessment in 4 Simple Steps
Retailers can expect a timeline of 4 weeks from start to finish with a Lean Retail Assessment. Here’s how it works:
1. Gather Historical Data
First, historical data is provided under a mutual non-disclosure agreement. The higher the volume and quality of the information available, the better. Then, the data sets from the retail chain are input into our unified platform.
2. Analyze the Data Sets
Next, artificial intelligence goes to work. The AI-powered Lean Analytics Retail Engine ingests the data to uncover retail strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for value creation that can be leveraged throughout the chain.
3. Join an Envisioning Session
Once the data is analyzed, we present our findings and the top opportunities identified for the retail chain. Through a facilitated working session, we combine the retailer’s knowledge and expertise of their chain with the new findings from our Lean Retail Assessment. This session reveals potential value creation opportunities through a lens of what’s possible in a unified lean retail operation.
4. Deliver the Final Report
Following our Envisioning Session, we deliver a report that summarizes the outcome of our engagement. It includes the top opportunities for value creation as prioritized in the working session, additional findings related to other areas of analysis, and proposed next steps.
About FieldStack
FieldStack, founded in 2013, is a software company offering retail solutions based on Lean Retail Principles, and recently featured on the 2024 GetApp's Category Leaders in Retail POS Systems. Through strategic partnerships and collaboration, the team at FieldStack helps retail chains utilize advanced analytics within a unified platform to transform into lean, customer-centric, data-driven operations.
Learn more here.
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