Eviden Citizen Service Solution : 2 Month Implementation

by Eviden International France - SAS

Implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 to enhanced Citizen Experience

Eviden Offering: Eviden adopted Microsoft D365 Customer Engagement and built the ‘Citizen Service Solution’ to revolutionize citizen engagements and service quality for Public Transport Operators.

Customer Outcomes: The solution has encouraged an increasing number of citizens and tourists to embrace the customer’s Public Transport Network for their travel needs, with a 28% boost in validations from 2021.

Reduced Consumption: Due to the solution provided by Eviden, a public transportation customer can promote a culture of sustainable living by increasing the total number of journeys taken through Public Transport in and around the region.

Microsoft Value: D365 offers accelerated time-to-value, seamless integration, and future-ready tech.

Customer Success: Eviden implemented this solution for a Public Transportation Customer, resulting in a 28% boost in passengers and reduced the consumption of private vehicles.

Eviden & Microsoft: Eviden and Microsoft have a 20+ year strategic partnership, with Eviden being a global leader in Cloud & Managed Security worldwide.

At a glance