
by ClimateView

ClimateOS is a collaborative SaaS platform for cities to transform climate planning into progress.

ClimateOS is a collaborative workflow platform for cities and local governments to manage their climate transition end-to-end.

Accounting for approximately 70% of global emissions, cities are well-positioned to take a macro perspective in solving the climate crisis – understanding the connections, seeing the systems overview and identifying climate target conflicts. However, the use of lagging imprecise data together with tools and processes that are siloed and time-intensive, is hindering the transition to a net zero carbon economy.

With ClimateOS, cities are empowered with an operational platform to discover their optimal pathway to net zero. Building on unique, science-based modeling and with an extensive, validated data inventory, ClimateOS helps cities build authoritative, living climate action plans that focus on verifiable change and provide a clear economic case for the entire transition. Instant scenario simulation and powerful visualization also facilitate collaboration at scale and co-creation across stakeholders.  

Delivered as scalable SaaS solution on Microsoft Azure, ClimateOS transforms a climate planning into progress with a comprehensive toolkit:

  • Activity Mapping: Emissions budgeting & trajectory

  • Pathway Discovery: Instant emissions activity balancing

  • Action Lab: Implementation library

  • ROI: Costs & Co-benefits (Coming soon)

  • Managing & Monitoring Progress: Ongoing analysis tools

  • Climate Board: Plan visualization

  • Knowledge Base: Best practice guides

At a glance