bbv Platform for Industrial IoT

by bbv Software Services AG

Use the bbv IoT platform as your foundation to connect industrial devices easily and secure.

Build now state-of-the-art Industrial IoT Solutions on top of Azure IoT / PaaS in minimum time and costs.
The bbv Platfrom for Industrial IoT based on Azure IoT is revolutionizing the entire IoT life cycle – from analysis to design and development to industrialization and change management. We have developed an offering that gives you the agility to implement your solution very short release cycles.

  • Connect devices easly and secure
  • Support for OPC-UA, Modbus, Siemens and other standard or propietary protocols
  • State-of-the-Art IoT middleware based on Azure IoT Services
  • Custom implementation of your analytical workloads (BI, Advanced Analytics, Machine Learning & Predictive Maintenance) based on Azure Big Data Services
  • Custom implementation of modern UI/UX for Web and Mobile
  • Integration for Cloud-Cloud and Cloud-On-Premise szenarios (APIs, Messaging Middleware)
  • Multi-tenancy support for customers and partners
  • B2B and B2C Identity and Access Management


  • Fast, agile Project Management: Learn and verify with a Proof of Concept or Pilot, continue with industrialization at scale
  • From Microchip to Big Data Cluster: bbv's IoT and Cloud expertise enables the implementation of IoT projects end-to-end
  • Proven real-life solutions

At a glance