by 2BIT AG
2getHR - Digital human resource administration
2getHR - Optimize your Personal administration
Routine work in HR takes an extraordinary amount of time. 2getHR simplifies the interaction between employees, Supervisors and administrators save time and reduce administrative costs. About the cloud you can and your employees can access your data from anywhere and on any device. 2getHR relies on state-of-the-art technology Encryption technology and absolute security for all sensitive personal data.
Overview what are the functions of 2getHR
Holiday management
Holiday applications are recorded digitally and checked for collisions. The approval (or rejection) will be the Employees sent via push message directly to the mobile. Calendar entries are sent automatically. It exists also the opportunity to maintain a company-wide holiday calendar.
Paperless expense management
Expenses are photographed and uploaded via mobile. The competent authority reviews the applications and can do so by Toggle a button on or off. The documents are tamper-proof stored, the tedious document searches end of month and deleted the paper consumption decreases. In addition, the amounts and the VAT with artificial intelligence become automatic recorded and completed.
Document management
Expenses are photographed and uploaded via mobile. The competent authority reviews the applications and can do so by Toggle a button on or off. The documents are tamper-proof stored, the tedious document searches end of month and deleted the paper consumption decreases. In addition, the amounts and the VAT with artificial intelligence become automatic recorded and completed.
Distribution payrolls
The salary statements are automatically assigned to their employees via the AHV number and at the push of a button transmitted. He receives a push message on his mobile and can retrieve his bills online at any time.
Appraisal interview
Annual goals and assessment form of the employee are stored in the "digital personnel file". The assessment will completed by employee and supervisor independently and compared automatically. So both can better prepared for the interview.