by Dhyey Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.

Power BI Visuals of Quality Control Management MIS reports with Dynamics 365 Business Central

A complete solution for Power BI Visuals of Quality Control Management MIS reports with Dynamics 365 Business Central. A Business Intelligence solution that provides data-driven insights, management information reports (MIS), charts, tabular details, and key performance indicators (KPI) of the Quality control addon developed for Dynamics 365 Business Central. Dhyey Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd has developed the Quality Control Management add-on in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to identify products that meet the company’s specified standards of quality through the inspection process. This add-on is mandatory to generate Power BI Visuals for MIS reports. Quality Control Management addon provides functionality that ensures that incoming materials and finished products are as per standard and consistent through Various stages like Batch / Lot inspection, Sampling, Validation of results, Test certificate, and Release / Reject the item and products. Visuals included are: 1) Defect / Fail Parameter Analysis: Visual presents analysis of Item for error type, error cause, and corrective action observed during inspection for the selected period. To view specific data, apply additional filters like, work center/machine center, vendor, location, etc. 2) Cost Analysis Month Wise: Visual presents a cost analysis of Resources (Persons) involved in testing Raw materials consumed and total finished quality orders in each month 3) Item Quality Summary: Item-wise monthly analysis of total Lot qty. inspected with results and % weightage of Results. 4) Re-Inspection Summary: Visual presents % of Re-inspection orders created out of total quality orders during months of the selected period. 5) QO Summary – Department Wise: Visual presents summary of finished Quality orders month-wise based on Lot Test results including Pass (Released), Fail (Rejected), In-process (pending for decision), and % of Pass and Fail ratio. 6) Quality Order Status and Backlog: Status of Quality orders created during months and backlog of previous months and previous year. The analysis includes orders that are not started, In the process, released, rejected, and pending for Release/ Reject.

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