Agworld for Growers

by Agworld

(3 ratings)

Visualize costs and profitability with Agworld’s collaborative farm management platform

What is the Agworld Platform?

The Agworld platform is a farm data collection, sharing and management platform. Agworld users can collect data at all levels of their operation and share this data with anyone that matters to them. This means that growers, farmhands, agronomists, input providers, contractors, banks, accountants, landowners and many other stakeholders are able to all work together on the same set of data. Everyone can collect new data and view all other data they have been given access to.

Agworld for Growers [Beta] is available in Microsoft AppSource to allow users to:

  • Better understand and visualize on-farm costs
  • Breakdown cost of production to a farm, field and crop level
  • Forecast seasonal costs and product quantities
  • Manage risk and increase profitability
  • Make better, more informed decisions

Agworld’s core features allow users to:

  • Map their farms and fields
  • Plan and schedule jobs for operators
  • Record all application data (sprays, fertilizing, seeding, harvest etc.)
  • Report on worker protection
  • Create comprehensive production plans and budgets for future seasons
  • Integrate their farm data with a range of industry partners

Do these problems sound familiar?

  • I have a lot of farm data but can’t turn it into useful reports
  • My farm data is spread over many programs, which makes it hard to use
  • I can’t visualize my data or see mistakes before the end of the season
  • I am not able to plan well or stay on budget during the season, as I don’t know my breakeven

Agworld can help you overcome these issues and help you improve your farm performance. Agworld is aligned with growers and their stakeholders. As an independent and privately owned company that does not sell your data or use your data to sell you inputs or other goods and services, your data is safe with us.

Agworld for Growers requires an Agworld enterprise subscription and is available to growers only. Please contact your Agworld account manager if you have any questions.

At a glance