Process Flow

by SCvation GmbH

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Simple and precise process mining visualization for Power BI

Uncover hidden information in your process data with the Process Flow visual, empowering you to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions.

The Process Flow visual takes your business process data (usually an event/activity log) and displays it in a clear and understandable format. Key metrics such as the lead time and number of event occurrences are available out of the box and the automatically computed variants can easily be filtered to gain an even deeper insight.

Key features

  • Clear and understandable process visualization, using a directed flow graph.
  • Build-in automatic variant computation and visualization, using a selectable bar chart.
  • Visualization of key metrics per event/transition as well as for the process as a whole.
  • Tooltips that can show configurable additional data fields, with support for different aggregation options.
  • Quick-menu to allow report viewers to change certain settings at runtime, for their session only.
  • All features customizable using Power BI's formatting settings, including the visual's color palette.
  • Integration with common Power BI features such as formats and selections.
  • Extensive and detailed online documentation for all functionality.

Visual inputs

The easiest way to start with the Process Flow visual is with an event log, that contains the following fields:

  • Case ID Identifier to group multiple events into a single run of the process. In the context of support tickets, this would be the ticket number.
  • Event ID Identifier for the individual events in the process. In the context of support tickets, this would be the ticket state (opened, under review, resolved, ...).
  • Timestamp When exactly the event occurred. In the context of support tickets, this would be the timestamp that denotes when a ticket was opened, claimed by someone for review or marked as resolved.

For more information please check out our dropzone documentation, which contains a detailed description for each available field, including their supported data types. Additionally, you can also try out our example report, to see how it all works in practice.

Start for free

The free tier can be used for evaluating the visual and testing it for specific use cases or datasets, without having to start a trial or commit to any purchases.

Please take note that the free tier is not intended for usage in a production deployment and will therefore truncate your process data to a meaningful subset and display watermarks if the limit is reached or certain configuration options are changed. For more information, please refer to our free tier documentation, which details the specific restrictions applicable under different circumstances.

About SCvation

SCvation GmbH specializes in business intelligence solutions, offering expertly crafted visuals for both Microsoft Power BI and MicroStrategy. Our visuals help to uncover insights of your data for making strategic decisions.

Visual capabilities

When this visual is used, it
  • Can access external services or resources

At a glance