Team O'clock - Scrum meetings

by Team O'clock

(27 ratings)

A bot for starting planning poker estimations, retrospectives & daily standups.

Team O'clock is a digital facilitator for your Scrum meetings, helping focus on your team's improvement and alignment by following well-structured meetings for retrospective, daily standup and planning/grooming sessions.

Using the facilitated retrospective meeting, teams improve around structured, positive and open discussions. Teams can choose through a variety of retrospective activities that promote open sharing, voting on important items and following up through action items for continuous improvement. You can also have custom retrospective activities to increase engagement or perform a special retrospective event, where your team can setup the retrospective board.

The daily standup meeting is featuring a time boxed experience, helping team members focus on answering the three Scrum questions within a given time slot in a random round robin order, with the option to take follow-up notes after the standup is done. You also have the option to customize the daily standup questions.

For grooming and planning sessions, Team O’clock offers a planning poker tool that a team can use to estimate tasks and user stories. Members secretly vote on the effort required to complete a task and after everyone has voted, the tool reveals the individual votes and calculates the average estimation, using Fibonacci, T-shirt or custom-tailored sequences.

Using Team O'clock interface you can access all previous team activities and decided actions as well as analytics to help your team continuous improvement.

All of Team O'clock interfaces and interactions are created with the purpose of providing clarity and focus to the members that participate in the meeting.

Connected with Microsoft Teams, Team O’clock provides a bot for starting and tracking retrospective meetings, daily standups and planning poker sessions within a team’s channel.


  • Trigger a daily standup meeting and have a digital facilitator navigate your team through a fast and effective process.

  • Perform retrospective meetings, including various activities to help your team be more engaged and constantly improve by following actionable items.

  • Estimate tasks and user stories through planning poker technique, during a planning or backlog refinement meeting.

To set up this integration, you will need a Team O’clock account. If you do not have one, the bot will automatically create one for you.

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can send data over the Internet
  • This app can access personal information on the active message, such as phone numbers, postal addresses, or URLs. The app may send this data to a third-party service. Other items in your mailbox can’t be read or modified.

At a glance