Cisco Webex Teams
by Webex Teams
Bring rich messaging and collaboration into your files with Cisco Webex Teams.
Message in Cisco Webex Teams group and 1:1 spaces directly from your Microsoft Word, Excel, or Powerpoint file. The Cisco Webex Teams add-in allows you to create a group space or join your existing spaces. The Webex Teams add-in also provides an easy way to link a relevant space to a document. Your current workflow probably looks like this: you are getting into the zone on a document and having to switch back and forth between your content's application and your collaboration application; breaking your focus and opening up space for distraction. But with the Cisco Webex Teams Add-In for O365, you can now open the familiar Webex Teams interface right in the document application. If you have already been collaborating in a Webex Teams space, simply search for it and then open it to link it to that document. Now whenever you come back to this document in the future, the relevant space is instantly brought up to focus so you can jump back into your workflow. If the space for collaboration doesn't exist, thats ok! You can create a space and add all the important people to it.
You must have Cisco Webex Teams to utilize this Add-in. If you don't have a Webex Teams account, go to and you can sign up to try Webex Teams for free!
Cisco Webex Teams provides continuous teamwork beyond the meeting with group messaging, file and screen sharing, white boarding and more. It is a secure platform with end-to-end encryption, that means your messages, files, and whiteboard drawings are fully encrypted right from your device to your recipients' devices.
App capabilities
- Can read and make changes to your document
- Can send data over the Internet