Timesheet Management


(4 ratings)

Record the duration of the project and employee's timesheet with graphical information on Dashboard.

The Timesheet Management Application record and tracks the amount of employee's time spent on a project. It enables a company to accurately track and pay hours for each employees. It keeps record for each timesheet that you or your manager can look back on to find out how much time you spent doing something. It have team management functionality, So that manager can see only timesheet for the team they managed. Team's Manager can search timesheet by date range, Employee Name or Approval Status. They can Copy searched timesheet and paste in word, notepad or other text editor, save it as CSV file for database system like MYOB or can export in excel.

This application reduces junk timesheets by classify it. It have Timesheet Approval workflow. An employee can save the timesheet in Draft mode to add later tasks. Once finished they can submit the timesheet for Approval to their Manager , First Approver and Second Approver(Not Required). Manager and Approve will get an email notification for each approval stage. This application have "The Bell" icon to see pending tasks in case of quick approval for timesheets.

Used in project management, employee timesheets on the projects can be divide by categories and one can know the total hours spent in a project. Timesheet Management Application allow the company to reduces their costs by making payroll processing more efficient, by automating the total efforts and generating drill down graphical charts for Authorities, Managers and Employees. Each member of the company can see and track the efforts by category on the project and can plan work accordingly.

Administrator or Page Editor can edit Home page of site and can add "Timsheet Management (BI)" in the desire zone. This application supports Classic and Modern both site pages. Based on company's requirement the administrator can set chart types (bar, column, pie or line chart) from the application. Stackholders can easily print or download this charts to use in their websites.

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