Ant Text Email Templates

by Insight Office

Microsoft 365 App Award
(32 ratings)

Write personalized compelling emails with your own design, layout, graphics and attached files.

Ant Text reuses your email drafts and save your company valuable time.

With only a few clicks, you can write comprehensive emails with your own company design.

Ant Text email templates can be used anywhere at any time and on all devices.

With Ant Text you will obtain following goals:

  • Ensure quality and consistency in your emails.
  • Brand your company messages at the top of your emails.
  • Personalize your emails with merge fields.
  • Share your templates in your organization.
  • Send event and newsletters.

Ant Text in your email:

Build your own email templates and share them with the rest of your organization.

Use text, subject title, top banners, pictures, tables, hyperlinks and attachments in each template you create.

Ant Text in your Outlook calendar:

Create appointments, organize meetings, schedule groups and send invitations to your relations.

Ant Text is integrated into Outlook Calendar so you can add your own company visual identity to your appointments

and schedules with professional and consistent templates.

Ant Text for your Out Of Office messages:

Create visual emails as Out Of Office messages. Add pictures and hyperlinks to your standard text.

Ant XL for sending email events and newsletters:

Create you own campaigns with Ant XL and aim to different target groups.

Use our Dashboard to see result of you campaign. Everything happens in your Outlook.


Ant Text gives you a multitude of features at your disposal to streamline your communication.

Start your Ant Text journey TODAY and write valuable emails your customers can't ignore.

Read more about Ant Text and our features here -

Get more visual inspiration:

Take your emails to the next level:

Why is communication critical?

Product video:


Mobile phones and tablets do not support templates with images. If you select templates including images,

only plain text will be inserted due to this limitation.

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can send data over the Internet
  • This app can read or modify the contents of any item in your mailbox, and create new items. It can access personal information -- such as the body, subject, sender, recipients, or attachments -- in any message or calendar item. It may send this data to a third-party service.

At a glance