Formula Editor - Complex Formulas Simplified

by Burn Dev, LLC

(2 ratings)

Easily format and unwind complex formulas in a full size editor

Formula editor integrates a fully-fledged code editor into Microsoft Excel. You can now clearly expand, indent, and space out your formulas with all the features of a modern code editor, right within an Excel task pane window. Featuring auto formatting, auto completion, syntax highlighting, caching, keyboard shortcuts, and more, the add-in simplifies the creation or update of any formula to a straightforward task. With built-in commands to grab all worksheet formulas or update entire ranges at once, Formula Editor is redefining workplace productivity.

Formula Editor is a two-time winner of Microsoft Office 365 Hackathon for modern productivity solutions, including the 'Best Office Add-in' award!

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can read and make changes to your document
  • Can send data over the Internet

At a glance