Saketa Employee Offboarding


Bring Auditability And Process to Exits

Saketa is the award winner for the "Overall Best Office App" Award at the MS Ignite 2018 and "The Best User Interface" Award in MS Ignite 2016 and finalists in the People's choice category in MS Ignite 2016 and European SharePoint Conference 2017.

We are specialists at bringing business and IT functions to a SharePoint environment, as plug and play SharePoint add-ins. We are digital and business transformation enablers building Intranet solutions that are intuitive, engaging and highly configurable. These applications and tools can change the way you work - simplifying it and improving both efficiency and productivity.

Saketa Employee Offboarding is a SharePoint add-in designed for organizations wanting a reliable and centralized platform to manage their employee terminations or exit process. This plug and play add-in, compatible with SharePoint Online O365, On-premises SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2016 environments, can track the information flow from the initiation all through the process, and provide great advanced features like notifications, manager feedback, customizable process checklist and exit surveys.

Saketa Employee Offboarding is very user friendly with both usability and administration. The add-in comes with an admin dashboard that allows configuring the offboarding process, from checklist and approvals to the feedback questionnaire and notification templates.

The traceability and auditability of every activity is available which make the Saketa employee offboarding a great productivity and compliance utility. This add-in is security trimmed and the information is highly secure, so no confidential information is accessible to unintended audience.

Salient Features

  • Customize the offboarding tasks and configure your offboarding process, as per your organization’s policies.
  • Add and assign checklists based on an employee’s job role and relevance.
  • Never lose track of pending work items, as every workflow is supported by email notifications and reminders.
  • Get exit (employee) feedback, using the optional survey questionnaire.
  • Abort the Offboarding process anytime, prior to completion.
  • Track the status of an Offboarding on the Employee Dashboard.
  • Have a complete audit trail of the process with the Audit Log History.
  • Customize and Configure the process using the Admin Dashboard.
  • Great search and filtering options on the dashboard.
  • Security driven architecture to safe guard the sensitive information.

Enjoy a 15-day free trial of the Saketa Employee Offboarding to check out how this SharePoint add-in can redefine the way you manage exit process. Feel free to reach us at "Hello @" for any questions or pricing/purchase queries.

Version History

v1.1 - UI fine tuning and descriptive error messaging.

v1.1.1.0 - Enhancements in offboarding checklist

v1.1.2.0 - Browser compatibility improvements and Onprem related bug fixes

At a glance