Data Bucket Chart

by Garden City Consultants

(1 ratings)

Multiple Data Series Histogram Chart to visualize the data by its frequencies

This chart can visualize multiple series histograms.

Four sample data are provided in the add-in to help user to understand the data structures.

- 2 samples for multiple data series histograms.

- Single Series with Label: In this type of data, one data series and its label are supported.

-Single Series without Label:only one numeric data is supported.


- Multiple data series histograms.

- The bucket size and maximum number of of buckets can be customized according to your data characteristics.

- Mouse over the chart to view the data detail in the tool-tips.

- You can change the chart title by clicking in the title area and enter a new text for the chart title.

- Easy to use and user friendly are the key features of this add-in. Sample data can be used as the template to build your own data.

- Interactive Chart: the chart is binding to the data table in the sheet directly, when you update the data, you can see the chart updating.

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can read and make changes to your document
  • Can send data over the Internet

At a glance