SideKick365 DCM Ultimate

by SkyLite Systems

Scalable, Customizable Dynamic Case Management built for SharePoint

SideKick365 DCM Ultimate is a Dynamic Case Management App (DCM) built to run in SharePoint 2013. It helps you manage documents, tasks, emails, scanned files and much more using simple case files. The App can be customized and installed in minutes into SharePoint 2013 in Office 365 or on your SharePoint servers in your data center. Add-ins are included to let you integrate deeply with Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, and popular scanners and multifunction printing devices. Best of all, SideKick365 DCM Ultimate supports granular security so you can set up security and limit who can see what based upon the user log in and security profiles that you can set up and manage. DCM Ultimate include email notification so users are sent an email when they are assigned a Task. The assigned user can click on a link within the email to see the task and complete it and make comments as needed!

Our customers have used SideKick365 DCM Ultimate to manage Loan Files, Leases, HR Cases Customer files, Incident Management, Member Profiles, and Support tickets to cite just a few examples - and SideKick365 DCM can grow to fit your needs. We have a customer with over 2 million scanned pages in SideKick365 DCM Ultimate running in Office 365.

You can view some short videos that demonstrate SideKick365 DCM Ultimate in action on our website by following this link

Want to know more.... Drop us a line at or better yet - download a trial version of SideKick365 DCM Ultimate from the App store. The trial version will let you create 3 cases to see how simple SkyLite Systems SideKick365 DCM is to set up and use.

Want to try the add-ins? Send an email to Info@SkyLiteSystems.Com and we will send you the Office and scanning add-ins so you can use them with your trial of SideKick365 DCM as well!

Give SideKick365 DCM Ultimate a try today - we know it will change the way you work.

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