
by Creativeshift - Informática e Serviços, Lda

(1 ratings)

Classroom365 help teachers and students interacting in the classroom.

New version (

  • Bug fixes.
  • Overall performance improvements.
  • New Features.

The application CreativeShift Classroom365 enables teachers to configure a simple and intuitive pedagogical structure that facilitates the implementation of new strategies to the regular and the professional education, as well as to training courses and actions. It allows the teacher/trainer to prepare and plan his classes or training sessions, thus enabling a direct interaction with the students/trainees.

With this SharePoint application for Office 365, teachers can quickly configure a desktop for their subjects, composed of an advertisements section, an events section, a resources sections, a work delivery, correction and feedback section and a group notebook.

As CreativeShift Classroom365 is fully integrated in Office 365, it empowers to work from any location and from any device, which allows maximum freedom of movement, thus leading to perform several necessary procedures in real and useful time.

This application has been developed from teachers for teachers and is founded on the values of organization, sharing, collaboration and information diffusion.


The teacher/trainer may use this area to:

  • Indicate homework;
  • Indicate the pages of the handbook that the students must study;
  • Warn of an extracurricular activities date change;
  • Communicate a room change.


The teacher/trainer may use this area to record:

  • Tests;
  • Exams;
  • Study visits;
  • AAP activities;
  • Participation in projects, olympiads, etc.


Area organized by resources type, where the teacher/trainer may provide the resources used during the class, such as:

  • Tests for consultation;
  • Worksheets;
  • Presentations;
  • Simulations;
  • Audio;
  • Vídeo;
  • Great pedagogical interest websites;
  • Scientific development institutions;
  • News that will be debated in class;
  • Virtual laboratories;
  • Simulations;
  • Sways;
  • Office MIX.


This promotes the interaction student/teacher or trainee/trainer and student/student or trainee/trainee, when it comes to clarifying doubts raised by the students/trainees. It is possible to present challenges/problems or debate topics that will develop sudents’ critical and argumentative skills. This may be a factor motivating students to learn, as their participation is associated to new technologies.

The debate or the problem solution may be presented before the subject is addressed in the classroom (thus giving the students some time to reflect on it), if the teacher incorporates the students’ participations/opinions during the debate throughout the previous week in his practice teaching or as a class strategy.


In this area, the teacher/trainer may give his students all the necessary information to do an assignment, report or class summary.

It allows the students/trainees to submit the assignment done, which will hold them responsible for respecting deadlines and rules.

Afterwards, the teacher/trainer may insert the assignment’s evaluation and feedback, which will be available for the student to consult it.


This section comes with a notebook where teachers/trainers may record:

  • Lesson plans;
  • Summaries;
  • Abstracts
  • Scientific papers;
  • Evaluation criteria.


Application performance depends on the current health of Sharepoint Online.

If you use Internet Explorer 9 is possible that you cannot be able to explore all functionalities.

At a glance