Birthday Calendar

by novaCapta Software & Consulting GmbH

(1 ratings)

Forgetting your colleagues birthdays belong to the past with our Birthday Calendar App

novaCapta Birthday Calendar for SharePoint 2013

Forgetting your colleagues birthdays belong to the past with our Birthday Calendar App

Extend the social features of SharePoint 2013 and improve the acceptance of your intranet. The Birthday Calendar app contains the following features:

•    Configure if birthdays of all site users should be displayed or only persons you follow

•    Configure the time range for upcoming birthdays

•    Integrate the app as an AppPart, so that the Birthday Calendar inherits seamlessly to your intranet design

•    Click on a person’s name to open their MySite and leave some birthday wishes

The birthdays are read from the MySite. Through this everybody can individually decide if their birthday should be displayed. The Birthday Calendar is also optimized for use with mobile devices and can be downloaded cost-free via Microsoft SharePoint AppStore.

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us.

novaCapta offers this App for free and does not take any warranty or liability for the use of the app.

Using the app is at you own risk. Damage compensation claims are excluded.

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