Processlynx Custom Action And Ribbon Manager Demo
by Processlynx
Management of Custom Actions and Ribbon in SharePoint App Site (app webs)
This app allows site administrators to customize "SharePoint App Sites" (app webs) using the extended out of the box functionalities. For example, you can customize the Ribbon with new actions without the need of involving a developer.
In essence, it makes the link between site administration and development . It reduces implementation time, it increases productivity and reduces operational costs.
- Reduces complexity of the functionalities "Custom Action", "Ribbons" and "ScriptsLinks" and helps site administrators to customize app webs.
- Uses the look and feel themes from host web to have the same visual experience.
- Provides a recycle bin location “App Web” where the Custom Actions, Ribbons and ScriptsLinks can be restored or deleted.
- Generates error report to trace permission issues or general problems.
This version of the Ribbon Manager is free, and is limited for use with "SharePoint App Sites" (app webs).
For information on the full version which also supports "SharePoint Host Sites" please go here: