JaRo Charts
by JaRo Pro
The Jaro Charts App provides a set of WebParts to create great charts.
The Jaro Charts App provides a set of WebParts to create great charts.
The App consists of the following graphs:
1. Line Chart
2. Bar Chart
3. Radar Chart
4. Polar Area Chart
5. Pie Chart
6. Doughnut Chart
Within the site of the app will be created lists to insert the data which will be rendered by the graph selected.
For each chart you can choose the color and the data that you want to render.
Jaro Charts allows, through the use of lists, a remarkable flexibility in the rendering data in the graphs.
The solution is based on the component http://www.chartjs.org/ released under the MIT license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
PLEASE NOTE: Due to SharePoint OnLine limitation, you can't use Anonymous access on your app.
You must invite your user to see your app