by NetDexterity
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Powerful discovery filters at your fingertips, Seamless SharePoint integration, Intuitive interface
Target what you need, when you need it.
Over time, SharePoint document libraries and lists can grow to contain hundreds (or even thousands!) of items. Searching for a subset within such a large collection can be frustrating and time-consuming. Using the metadata already associated with your list or library, ND|Filter provides a quick and easy way of targeting exactly the content you need.
Powerful filters at your fingertips
- Filter on multiple metadata columns simultaneously
- Only filter to values that are represented in your data – never filter to ‘zero’ results
- Filter options self-adjust with each filter applied
Seamless SharePoint integration
- Add the web part to any SharePoint list or library
- Works with existing metadata columns
- App automatically updates when columns or added or removed – no need to reconfigure
Intuitive interface
- Users will easily identify the purpose and value of the app without training
ND|Filter is compatible with IE version 9 or higher.
At a glance