Change Case
by Tyrant Ventures LLC
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Switch words to upper or lower case, capitalize cells in Excel with Change Case app by Ablebits
If you get Excel tables from different sources, your data are likely to be discordant. You can run the Change Case app to make all cells look right at once:
- Convert text to upper or lower case within all the selected cells
- Change words to Proper case and have the first letter of each word within a cell in capital and all other letters in lower case
- Start each cell with a capital by choosing the Capitalize each cell option
Please note that any formulas in your range will be overwritten with values. You can cancel the process to keep them, or continue and have the values inserted.
One click will change lower case to upper case, capitalize cells, and make words take proper case. Simply select the cells, the case you need and click Run on the app pane.
The Change Case App is your simple way to convert words in the selected Excel cells to upper, lower, or proper case.
App capabilities
When this app is used, it
- Can read and make changes to your document
- Can send data over the Internet
At a glance
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