SP2 Daily Menu
by SP2
Drive users to your home page by displaying your company's cafeteria menu.
Knowing what is being served in the company cafeteria has proven to be a huge driver for SharePoint adoption. With this app, your users will be able to see what is being served in the cafeteria right from your Intranet home page. It will keep your users coming back every day. This great new web part allows a designated user to easily update the menu for the cafeteria for the day or for multiple days in advance. If employees in your company are often wondering what is for lunch, this app is for you.
SP2 Daily Menu comes with many configurable options to meet your needs. All text in the application is configurable. You can choose to show any combination of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks for the day. Plus, you can provide additional rich text information about any other events occurring for the day.
Don't waste money developing a custom solution. SP2 Daily Menu lets you start showing the company menu in minutes. Get SP2 Daily Menu today! Release Notes
- Added new paging buttons so that you can see what is for lunch tomorrow.
- Updated app launch page with configuration and usage instructions.