AP Automation

by saglobal

Invoice processing automation with Microsoft Power Platform technology

The AP Automation solution is based on Microsoft Power Platform technology, allowing your organization to leverage AI combined with Power Automate and Power Apps in order to automate the vendor data capture, the reconciliation with your ERP data (purchase and/or receipt order) to show only the lines that present discrepancy for processing.
All invoices that do not have a discrepancy with the purchase and/or receipt order can be automatically integrated into the ERP.
The main features of AP Automation are:
1. Automation of the processing of scanned or electronic invoices received by email.
2. With AI, the invoice data is captured, stored, and reconciled with your ERP data.
3. A Microsoft Power Apps interface allows the user to process any discrepancies in order to integrate the invoice with your ERP or accounting software.

At a glance