
by Integrove

Declare corporate gifts, hospitality events & business interests using Conversational AI

ComplyAI is an innovative software solution built to streamline compliance and uphold corporate ethics. Designed for seamless integration within Microsoft Teams, it allows employees to easily capture and declare corporate gifts, hospitality events, and business interests.

By utilising Conversational AI, ComplyAI enables natural, stress-free compliance conversations, making the process as simple as chatting with a colleague. The platform is tailored to fit your company's unique policies and provides real-time guidance on corporate disclosure rules.

With automated approvals, instant notifications, and configurable dashboards, ComplyAI ensures visibility into compliance activities, allowing decision makers to stay informed and proactive. Accessible from anywhere via desktop or mobile, it integrates with the tools your team already uses, ensuring that compliance is effortless and part of your everyday workflow.

At a glance