Dataverse for Teams: 6-wks Proof of Concept


Marquam’s FastStart program supports organizations that want to manage more business processes within Microsoft Teams.

WORKSHOP: We start by educating and training your team on the Dataverse for Teams platform, which includes a broad array of Microsoft development tools in a single package. Then we explore opportunities within your organization to use the platform to improve work processes. Workshop topics include candidate business process identification, user interface design options (such as forms, chatbots, and adaptive cards), and solution development best practices (such as data structures and workflow optimization). DEPLOY SOLUTION CENTER: The next deliverable is an implementation of Marquam’s Solution Center. The Solution Center consists of a landing page used to launch your automated business processes as well as a Process Performance Report that spans all the workflows. This PowerBI-based report provides insight into useful metrics, such as how many workflows have been completed in a given week or month, or how many are currently outstanding. For those companies with PowerBI licenses, the report can be delivered right in MS Teams. PROOF OF CONCEPT: Marquam will set up your initial Workflow Center with two high-value, streamlined use cases, such as a PTO Request, CapEx Request, or Incident Reporting. Once built, your applications are instantly available to all Microsoft Teams users via the desktop, web, or mobile interface - no app installation or setup is required. ROADMAP: The FastStart process is designed to identify the business use cases which will yield the greatest return on your investment in Office 365 and Microsoft Teams. With that use case inventory in hand, we outline the tasks and milestones to successfully roll out the Workflow Center to the rest of the organization

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