Agile Analytics: 4-Wk Implementation


Our specialist visualisation and modelling team with our industry experts will work together to design, model, develop and test an Excel or Power BI Proof Of Concept solution based on your needs.

Our team of industry and technical experts will work with you to design a bespoke end-to-end proof of concept solution for your organisation. Whether you are looking to pilot a particular technology before rolling out an enterprise solution, want to explore your data for valuable insights to drive decision making, or need a strategic solution to meet current demand, we can help.


Summary overview of processes:

  • Understand your business problem, gather requirements and define scope of work.
  • Agree on sprint cycles and key milestones
  • Procure the main and reference data sets
  • Design data model, create calculations, build dashboard and gather feedback. Repeat this step for each sprint
  • Complete sign off of solution
  • Handover model / tool


  • Development of a solution will be split into a series of sprints to ensure that your feedback can be constantly reflected to improve the final deliverable.
  • Typically, our agile MVP projects will last from 2 to 4 weeks depending on technical complexity and quality of data available.


We are experts across the whole Microsoft technology stack, whether you are looking for an Azure cloud hosted solution with a Power BI front end, a Microsoft CRM analytics solution or a bespoke Excel model that you can share across your organisation. Do not worry if you are not sure what technology is best for your organisation, just come with the business problem and we can help craft the most appropriate solution for your needs.

Case Studies

Interested in the solutions that we have already completed? Please contact us and we will take you through our plethora of solutions that are already being used to add value to organisations across various sectors.

At a glance