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Prodware Customer Hierarchy acceleratorProdware GroupHelping you increase productivity and improve how your business deals with customer groups
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Supply Chain Management
1 out of 60
peopleGoalsGRUPO INTERMARK 96 SOCIEDAD LIMITADAPlataforma de gestión orientada a soportar los procesos de fijación y valoración de objetivos.
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2 out of 60
on.scorePOINCENOT TECHNOLOGY STUDIO S.APlataforma all-in-one para crear y expandir el negocio de préstamos
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3 out of 60
Axity aMonitorAxityPlataforma que ayuda a las organizaciones a regresar a los lugares de trabajo de una forma segura
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4 out of 60
Business BotCambay Consulting LLCAI-powered enterprise Bot to increase support efficiency, enhance customer experience
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5 out of 60
Hitachi Solutions Engage for Private EquityHitachi SolutionsBuild the Right Relationships for Success
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Customer Service
6 out of 60
StoreVue Store BIAdvantechStoreVue Store BI - Business intelligent dashboard designed for store management.
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7 out of 60
IN Data Manager DKInnova Advanced ConsultingIN Data Manager DK is the solution that allows modifying or removing system records
Applicable to:
Business Central
8 out of 60
FIS Commercial Loan ServicingFISCommercial loan servicing solution that manages all financial and non-financial compliance.
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9 out of 60
DynPromoAlxia Consultoria e innovaciónGestión de promociones de venta para Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Applicable to:
Business Central
10 out of 60
ArchiveMASHBluesource North AmericaLeverage Microsoft Azure to migrate your legacy archive data from anywhere to anywhere.
Applicable to:
11 out of 60
Lasso AI video interview and Assessment Tool鼎恒數位科技股份有限公司Rapidly and accurately target talented people and put the right person in the right place.
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12 out of 60
Industrial Visual SolutionBraventA machine vision solution that offers automated inspection and analysis based on images
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13 out of 60
Predictive Modelling and Capacity Planning ToolSAAL Operating Systems Sole Proprietorship LLCModel and predict pandemic outcome & assist in health resource planning (beds, ICU, medication etc.)
Applicable to:
14 out of 60
Commissions Management for ItalyAlternaManage salesperson commissions in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Applicable to:
Business Central
15 out of 60
PrivitarPrivitarPrivitar protects customers' sensitive data so they can extract the maximum value from it.
Applicable to:
16 out of 60
Cloud_DB_DoctorSCSK Minoriソリューションズ株式会社データベースのモニタリング機能に加えプロフェッショナル サービスが利用できる!
Applicable to:
17 out of 60
Solteq Commerce Cloud: Hardware independent POS solutionSolteq OyjLooking for a comprehensive Point-of-Sale solution that doesn't slow down your business growth?
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18 out of 60
JOIN CollaborationDecos Information SolutionsCollaborate on files with anyone, share and edit in real-time effortless while keeping full control.
Applicable to:
19 out of 60
Real Estate SuiteAgic Technology S.r.l.Gestione dei processi di business di società operanti nel settore del Real Estate
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Business Central
20 out of 60
Provide™: Cloud Management PortalCloud DirectA complete cloud management tool for customers to analyse, forecast and much, much more.
Applicable to:
21 out of 60
Ynomia Connected Jobsite (MS Marketplace)Ynomia Pty LtdAccurate, reliable and automated construction data in real-time.
Applicable to:
22 out of 60
Asset NotificationCybertech Systems & Software, Inc.Automate Defect Notification and Correction Workflows, Powered by Microsoft Azure
Applicable to:
23 out of 60
eCare VaulteCare Vault, Inc.A Digital Workflow Bridge and Secure Collaboration For Critical Support and Time-Sensitive Action
Applicable to:
24 out of 60
Omnitive Extract - PayslipsTaiger Singapore Pte LtdExtract information from payslips quickly and accurately.
Applicable to:
25 out of 60
Export Import Incentive Schemes in IndiaIntech Systems Pvt Ltd.Power your global position with streamlined Export Import Incentive Schemes. Level up now!
Applicable to:
26 out of 60
Docuten eSignInnova Advanced ConsultingDocuten eSign will allow you to send & sign PDF documents through Docuten online platform
Applicable to:
27 out of 60
Onna eDiscovery for Microsoft 365OnnaOnna delivers defensible data collection, search, and early case assessment for Microsoft 365
Applicable to:
28 out of 60
Cisco Edge IntelligenceCisco Systems, Inc.CEI runs on Cisco’s industrial networking simplifying connectivity for distributed industrial assets
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29 out of 60
ClaimboxAccenture - PolandClaimbox is designed to provide scalable service to manage millions of claims on insurance market.
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30 out of 60
Telia | Operator Connect for Microsoft TeamsTelia CompanyTelia integrates calling services in Microsoft Teams
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31 out of 60
iBinder foundationIbinder abUser friendly information management platform for all stakeholders in the construction industry.
Applicable to:
32 out of 60
Striim VM SubscriptionStriim, Inc.Striim VM Subscription
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33 out of 60
Vendavo Pricing IntelligenceVendavopowers the shift to digital business unlocking value, growing margin and accelerating revenue
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34 out of 60
Esker Accounts Payable AutomationEsker SAProcure-To-Pay - Accounts Payable Automation
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35 out of 60
ABC Client AnalysisBismartSegment and analyze your client portfolio contributing to the company's turnover and profitability.
Applicable to:
36 out of 60
HelloDataJLK GroupTotal data management platform for AI learning data processing(AI 학습데이터 가공을 위한 토탈 데이터 매니지먼트 플랫폼)
Applicable to:
37 out of 60
Counterfeit Protection with Track & TraceArvato SystemsIT solution for serialization and traceability of consumer goods
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38 out of 60
iQualify - online training and educationiQualifyCreate courses. Engage learners. Assess instantly. Connect seamlessly.
Applicable to:
39 out of 60
Pilbara Insights for Higher EducationABM TECHNOLOGIES AUSTRALIA PTY LTDYour Outsourced Activity-Based Costing Experts in Higher Education
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40 out of 60
IN Data Manager USInnova Advanced ConsultingIN Data Manager US is the solution that allows modifying or removing system records
Applicable to:
Business Central
41 out of 60
GP Cloud Xcelerator Program - ManufacturingGreenpages, Inc.A blueprint that gives you the power to scale public cloud workloads with velocity
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42 out of 60 Trade FinanceCLEAREYE.AI, INC.Automates Trade Finance Operations and Compliance Screening
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43 out of 60
CloudMoyo Rail Contract Management (CRCM)CloudMoyo IncDigitally transform your contracts to accelerate commerce, mitigate risk, and maximize ROI
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44 out of 60
Professional Services – Data & AINEC AustraliaA Data and AI practice with rapid, Agile delivery of Data Analytics, IoT and Artificial Intelligence
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45 out of 60
App marcaje presenciaGregal Soluciones Informáticas, S.L.Permite a las empresas tener un mayor control sobre las tareas de los trabajadores.
Applicable to:
46 out of 60
Dynamics 365 for Customer EngagementYokogawa Votiva SolutionsDynamics 365 for Customer Engagement
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47 out of 60
Optimiza-AGMproOptimizaThe leading system for holding Assembly General Meetings remotely.
Applicable to:
48 out of 60
Earth KnowledgeEarth Knowledge, Inc.Earth Knowledge: integrated ESG, climate & nature solutions for Government & Private Sector
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49 out of 60
Strategy-AI for Azure DevOpsChinchilla SoftwareStrategic Delivery with Azure DevOps Boards
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50 out of 60
SMAARTBRANDEnixta Innovations Private LimitedSmaartbrand extracts insights that help you build brand’s reputation.
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51 out of 60
mLibrary Teams AppKnimbus Online Pvt LtdIntegrates your Institutional Library and all its content and subscriptions in Office 365
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52 out of 60
Integrated Platform SaaSIntegrated Solutions Sp. z o.o.Integrated platform ServiceDesk
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53 out of 60
Demand Planning and Forecasting for Auto PartsObase A.S.Adapt your inventory management processes into the fast-changing automotive industry !!!
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54 out of 60
IN Data Manager DEInnova Advanced ConsultingIN Data Manager DE is the solution that allows modifying or removing system records
Applicable to:
Business Central
55 out of 60
Collabspace DISCOVERY: Cross-Platform eDiscoveryCollabwareSearch All Content Repositories For One Set of Unified Results.
Fulfill FOI ATIP eDiscovery Requests
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56 out of 60
HIVERY Curate - Analytical assortment optimizationHIVERYRapid assortment strategy simulation & optimization solution for CPGs and retailers
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57 out of 60
iLink Smart Information Assistant KiwiiLink Systems, Inc.Kiwi Smart Information Assistant App Built on Azure
Applicable to:
58 out of 60
Enterprise Subscription Management for D365 Finance - LISA BusinessProBluefortComplex subscription management made easy - for your enterprise
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Supply Chain Management
Project Operations
59 out of 60
Ceeview Cloud MonitorCeeview ASGet in Control of your Cloud Cost. Avoid excessive cost and optimize resource utilization.
Applicable to:
60 out of 60