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Open Innovation Platform (OIP) for BankingVirtusaVirtusa's OIP promotes a culture of innovation by partnering banks with curated FinTechs.
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1 out of 60
Predictive MaintenanceFractal Analytics Inc.Reduce production downtime, improve productivity and increase quality with this solution.
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2 out of 60
Cloud Payment HSM - Card & Mobile IssuingFuturexFrom Futurex, FIPS 140-2 & PCI HSM compliant cloud payment HSMs for payment card and mobile issuing.
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3 out of 60
Knowledge Mining SolutionWinWire TechnologiesUncover latent insights from your content with AI-powered intelligent search
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4 out of 60
StatHammerPredisysReal-time predictive analytics and process control for Azure IoT
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5 out of 60
ComplEtEPORINIThe Cooperative End to End Supply Chain Management Platform for your Company.
Applicable to:
6 out of 60
VeriBranch Branch Automation for BankingVeriParkEmpowering bank tellers, sellers and advisors to efficiently execute transactions
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Customer Service
7 out of 60
Prodware Inter Company acceleratorProdware GroupBoost your intercompany processes with additional integration across shipments, items and receipts
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Business Central
8 out of 60
Bonus FiscaliTXC MARKETStax credits platform
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Customer Service
Project Operations
Power Apps
9 out of 60
Convergia Cloud Voice for Teams Direct RoutingconvergiaA PBX in the Cloud
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10 out of 60
Ventas SAP B1Táctica TIAnálisis de ventas al instante para la toma de decisiones sobre tus datos de SAP Business One.
Applicable to:
11 out of 60
HxGN j5 Operations Management SolutionHexagon Asset Lifecycle IntelligenceDigitalize Your Plant Operations
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12 out of 60
HxGN Smart CompletionsHexagon Asset Lifecycle IntelligencePlant and project lifecycle
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13 out of 60
JOIN VIEWUNIXON SYSTEMS CO.,LTDMedia Asset Management for Media
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14 out of 60
Prodware Fast ServiceProdware GroupA simplified customer service tool built for SMBs
Applicable to:
Customer Service
15 out of 60
SamplesLaunchmetricsEasily manage and track your Sample Collections for the Fashion, Luxury and Beauty industry
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16 out of 60
Office Protect for Microsoft 365SherWeb IncOffice Protect provides best practice security settings & 24/7 monitoring for Microsoft 365 tenants
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17 out of 60 Utility Data-HubKalkitech.comData acquisition software to connect field devices & assets directly with Azure IoT
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18 out of 60
Xspera Power Platform Solutionxspera vietnamDigitalize tons of paper work within available resource
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19 out of 60
Compras SAP B1Táctica TIAnálisis de compras al instante para la toma de decisiones sobre tus datos de SAP Business One.
Applicable to:
20 out of 60
Finanzas SAP B1Táctica TIAnálisis financieros al instante para la toma de decisiones sobre tus datos de SAP Business One.
Applicable to:
21 out of 60
Powell GovernancePowell SoftwarePowell Governance – Teams Templates. Microsoft 365 governance. Business processes.
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22 out of 60
Enterprise - AI Data management platformAIMMO Co., Ltd.AI-powered data labeling/annotation solution for AI model training
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23 out of 60
Teams 기반 스마트워크플레이스 구축JUSHINAVTThis application is available only in Korean. 팀즈 기반 회의실 환경 구축을 위한 컨설팅, 환경 구성, 하드웨어 설치 및 모니터링, 관리
Applicable to:
officeatwork | Image Chooser User SubscriptionofficeatworkAccess and Insert the Ideal Image, For Every Task.
Applicable to:
25 out of 60
Commerce.AI PlatformCommerce.AIAnalyze and activate unstructured customer experience data from voice, text, chat & video.
Applicable to:
26 out of 60
officeatwork | Content Uploader User SubscriptionofficeatworkCreate, Share and Update. Any Asset Instantly.
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27 out of 60
HxGN SDx2Hexagon Asset Lifecycle IntelligenceTransform how industrial enterprises engineer, monitor and optimize global assets & operations.
Applicable to:
28 out of 60
Smart at receptionSBテクノロジー株式会社Smart at receptionは、様々なソリューションと連携する、無人受付システムです。
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29 out of 60
Smart Asset Track and TraceWipro LtdEnabling Seamless Asset Tracking and Tracing indoor and outdoor
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30 out of 60
Project Management Solution for ConstructionCambay Consulting LLCProject Management Information System (PMIS) for Construction
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31 out of 60
Genetiks ChatbotNETIKSGenetiks, the Talented and Multilingual Chatbot built on Azure (
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32 out of 60
Exterro FTK Lab for Microsoft AzureAccessData Group, Inc.Divide and conquer massive data sets in a collaborative, scalable environment with Exterro FTK Lab
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33 out of 60
Banking Solution (BankVision/BANKSTAR)/オープン勘定系システムBIPROGY 株式会社銀行基幹系システムのオープン化を実現し、基幹系業務に必要な堅牢性、安全性を実現するとともに、さまざまな業種のサービスとのビジネス連携を可能にします
Applicable to:
34 out of 60
Digital Asset ManagerCircle T Industries Pty LtdTransform the management of digital assets such as images, video, rich media, and audio content.
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35 out of 60
Loyalty Solution by Unify DotsUnify Dots CorporationLoyalty Management Solution for Retail, Airlines and Hospitality Companies
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36 out of 60
V Net Optimized Inventory and AnalyticsV NetProfitable Growth with AI Based Inventory Management and Advanced Analytics
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37 out of 60
Akamai Advanced Service and SupportAkamai TechnologiesAligned advisory expertise, service and support to guide, enable, and mitigate business risk.
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38 out of 60
Spark Digital WorkspaceRightpoint Consulting, LLCSpark, an Office 365 accelerator for Modern Intranets
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39 out of 60
Armanino D365 On-Hand InventoryArmanino LLPFull visibility anytime, anywhere into on-hand inventory across all sites
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Power Apps
40 out of 60
Omnitive Extract - Medical ClaimsTaiger Singapore Pte LtdExtract information from medical claims quickly and accurately.
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41 out of 60
Heimdal® Remote DesktopHeimdal SecurityHeimdal Remote Desktop - Support Your Users Anywhere in the World
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42 out of 60
IN Data Manager CAInnova Advanced ConsultingIN Data Manager CA is the solution that allows modifying or removing system records
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Business Central
43 out of 60
Managed Microsoft Teams CallingNEC AustraliaEnabling customers to maximise employee communication and collaboration with enterprise voice
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44 out of 60
smart cityIQuantela Technologies Private LimitedAn outcomes-focused Smart City enabling platform
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45 out of 60
Ansys Digital TwinANSYS, Inc.Digital twin models that capture the accuracy of physics at the speed of real-time
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46 out of 60
A.I. AmbassadorAsiabots LimitedHumanoid Avatar with A.I. conversational power as A.I. Staff for rental
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47 out of 60
Blindspot OptirouteBLINDSPOTMaximize the efficiency of your logistics and make it greener
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48 out of 60
CallTower Direct Routing IntegrationCallTower IncUse Direct Routing to add legacy phone systems, paging, faxing, and more to your Teams deployment.
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49 out of 60
Strategy-AI Trello Power-UpChinchilla SoftwareImprove your time to benefit & drive success momentum with decisive action.
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50 out of 60
Wipro Wastewater Impact Management SolutionWipro LtdA solution to protect public health & prevent community disruptions with AI powered flood prevention
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51 out of 60
Hubi Horizon - including 48 service daysHubi.aiA plug'n'play, pre-qualified, contextualizable and configurable chatbot and MetaBot platform
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52 out of 60
Data Annotation Platform To Create AI (Free Trial)Tensor Matics Pvt Ltd2 Week Free Access to All The Feature of Next-Gen AI Dev Platform. Create, Manage and Scale!
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53 out of 60
Toami LiteNSW株式会社IoT導入のファーストステップをサポート
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54 out of 60
TezevaWebsym Solutions Private LimitedTezeva - Connected Products Platform
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55 out of 60
Dragon Professional Anywhere CloudORdigiNAL DistributionDragon Professional Anywhere Speech Recogntion software
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56 out of 60
Local Government AcceleratorTechAir GroupHelp local government organizations quickly modernize their apps on Office 365 Government (GCC)
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Customer Service
Field Service
Power Apps
57 out of 60
SafeTitan Security Awareness Training and PhishingCYBER RISK AWARE LIMITEDAssess and mitigate human cyber-risks - scheduled and real-time training and simulated user attacks.
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58 out of 60
Cosmos FormsCosmos FormsMobile app to enable workers to capture data and create, assign and track actions to completion.
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59 out of 60
Connector 365 XRechnungBELWARE GmbHSend your invoice information as legally compliant XRechnung XML
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Business Central
60 out of 60