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Anacle Simplicity® Business SoftwareAnacle Systems LimitedBusiness applications for Commercial, Corporate and Industrial Real Estate Management
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1 out of 60
AerobotRecoSense Infosolutions Pvt Ltd.Content Intelligence Solution for Aviation
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2 out of 60
Global Buyer/Supplier List APITrademo Technologies IncLeverage Trademo’s APIs & Understand Global Supply Chains
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3 out of 60
Intelligent Document ProcessingNeuralSpaceAI-powered document processing for classification and extraction in 100+ languages
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4 out of 60
OptimoGovProgramus Ltd.Local Government Venue, Facilities, Event Management Platform
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5 out of 60
Connector for HubSpot and Dynamics 365 CRMAlima Technologies CorporationSynchronize data between Hubspot and Dynamics 365
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6 out of 60
OneVuex With Microsoft Security Copilot - Advanced Integrated SecurityBass International SoftwareOneVuex With Microsoft Security Copilot safeguard your data, people, and devices at the speed of AI
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7 out of 60
Bizcuit Vision AnalyticsBizcuit Solution Co., Ltd.AI cameras with real-time vision analytics
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8 out of 60
Wipro GenAI Investor IntelligenceWipro LtdWipro's Azure OpenAI based solution to provide cognitive assistance to financial advisors.
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9 out of 60
Acodis IDP PlatformAcodis AGAuto data extraction. At speed. At scale. Convert Any Document Into Structured Data in Seconds
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10 out of 60
DemographyTENSORGO TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITEDGenerating demography, ethnicity and gender of the subject from Video
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11 out of 60
TCS' Smart Forecasting SolutionTCS - Consumer Goods Enable intelligent planning through smart inputs from market teams and ML based forecast
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12 out of 60
Infowise Ultimate FormsInfowise Solutions LtdUse SharePoint to implement any business process in minutes, using nothing but your browser
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13 out of 60
RecruitBPMRecruitBPMIntegrate RecruitBPM CRM & Applicant Tracking System features directly into Outlook
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14 out of 60
User Directory by STUDIO SYNAPSESTUDIO SYNAPSEFind any users in your organization in just few seconds.
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Email365Prakash Software SolutionsSave your Outlook email attachments to SharePoint Document Library and/or OneDrive with Email 365
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Employee Spotlight ProBEYONDKEYEmployee of the Month, Engagement, Employee Spotlight, HR Updates & Events, Birthdays, Anniversaries
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Multiple RSS Feeds Viewer - PROBEYONDKEYLatest news from round the globe served on your SharePoint page in a beautiful tab structure
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18 out of 60
authorDOCS Legal AI contract review and draftingMcCarthyFinchReviewing and drafting contracts is time-consuming. Boost your productivity with authorDOCs!
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Document Review ManagerPrakash Software SolutionsMonitor and control your document review process centrally within SharePoint.
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20 out of 60
Metro Tiles ProBEYONDKEYCreate Mobile Friendly Tiles UI and Pin them to your SharePoint Sites
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AMT ResearchAMT - The Association for Manufacturing TechnologyExplore manufacturing technology research through papers from NIST, NASA, and other institutions!
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Beyond Intranet TimelineBEYONDKEYTimeline to showcase Events, Meetings, Holidays, Birthdays, Anniversaries or any calendar
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Responsive Banner SliderCotek Systems, Inc.Easy to use Slider with beautiful designs, custom colors, multiple animation and transition effects.
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Image MapsCIRRUS SOFT LTDSupercharge your SharePoint navigation with any image and deliver interactive visual content
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25 out of 60
officeatwork | Content Chooser for OutlookofficeatworkAn easy way to manage, discover and use your curated content in Office.
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Random SorterTyrant Ventures LLCShuffle entire rows, columns, or cells in a range using Random Sorter app for Excel 2013 by Ablebits
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27 out of 60
Timesheet ManagementXSHAREPOINTRecord the duration of the project and employee's timesheet with graphical information on Dashboard.
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28 out of 60
Thought for TodaySharePinPoint SupportRenders a beautiful daily auto-generated Quote
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29 out of 60
Smart Responsive Slider ProCotek Systems, Inc.Create impressive, eye-catching lively slideshow presentation on your existing SharePoint site.
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30 out of 60
Feedback ProBEYONDKEYSimple Add-in to collect feedback from users by placing add-in part on the home page.
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31 out of 60
PUEO INSIGHTPueo Business Solutions LLCGlance extended information for words while you write.
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32 out of 60
Task Management - ProBEYONDKEYManage your tasks efficiently and never miss a deadline
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33 out of 60
File Uploader by VirtoVirtoSoftwareBulk Uploader allows users to upload multiple files to a SharePoint library or list items
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34 out of 60
skybow Rich FormsSkybowCustomize list forms and build business solutions using the powerful designer skybow Rich Forms.
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35 out of 60
DijuMarIgoFabTransformez Microsoft Word en un vrai logiciel de rédaction de document juridique.
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36 out of 60
Sleek Invoice - Get paid for your invoices faster.Cotek Systems, Inc.Create and send professional looking invoices, quotes & Estimates. Receive payments immediately.
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37 out of 60
PeerFusingTech - Formation PersonnaliséePeerFusingTechIdentifie vos points d'amélioration sur Excel et vous propose des vidéos de formation personnalisées
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38 out of 60
QCheck-ITQuantumPM, Inc.QCheck-IT is a free App by QuantumPM to review the quality of tasks in project schedules.
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LevitateLevitate by Real MagicLevitate helps you manage your personal and professional relationships right from your inbox.
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Doc Connect for ArenaeBOM ABSpeed up document management with Doc Connect for Arena.
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Backflipt EnterpriseXenovus Inc.Intelligently surfacing the content in the moment of need, no more searches!
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OffShareOffShareSpeed up the distribution of your documents with your clients and friends using QR codes.
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43 out of 60
Data ViewerLightning ToolsDisplay data from a list or library and App Scoped BCS External Content Types.
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Sage One Accounting Intelligence Go!Sage IntelligenceExcel Financial Reporting
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Sensei Portfolio Advisor™Sensei Project SolutionsAutomated Governance & Compliance reports monitor data quality in the portfolio of projects.
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46 out of 60
Notes123Canvasist,IncThis application allows you to make notes
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Instant Invoice ProCotek Systems, Inc.Create invoices, send email notifications and receive payments for your invoices with just one click
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48 out of 60
Employee RecognitionJsquared SolutionsRecognize employees doing great things in organization
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49 out of 60
OK RogerOK Roger Inc.Personal Assistant for Business Travellers
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SharePoint ExplorerRavi KhambhatiThis application will let user to explore SharePoint artifacts
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BPMN Quick GuideTRISOTECH SERVICES CONSEILS EN INFORMATIQUE INC.Find the BPMN best practices, naming conventions, glossary and much more, all in one place.
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52 out of 60
Encodian PDF ConverterEncodianConvert or merge multiple files into PDF documents, optionally adding Encryption, Watermarks and OCR
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53 out of 60
Feelanet Note BoardfeelanetAccording to the permission for subsites, users can send and receive short messages
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Project Portfolio Management by VirtoVirtoSoftwareManage your project portfolio and resources workload with intuitive Gantt Chart + Workload interface
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55 out of 60
JSOM FiddleCodexPoint LtdQuickly protoype JSOM in the browser
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Project ZeroRahul PrabhuneThe military does it. So does the NSA. Here is a corporate version for you!
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iGrid's Copy Folder StructureiGrid Consulting Solutions Pvt. Ltd.This helps duplicate a parent folder and sub-folders that you create in a document library
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Saketa Idea BoardSaketa.comYour innovation management platform
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Support+ Help On-DemandCombined Knowledge LtdInstant online help and support for a wide range of business applications.
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60 out of 60