SunTec Xelerate
by SunTec Business Solutions
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SunTec Xelerate
SunTec is the world’s
#1 pricing and billing company that creates value for enterprises through its
cloud-based products. More than 150 clients in 45+ countries rely on SunTec to
provide hyper-personalized products, offers, pricing, loyalty programs, tax compliance
and billing for over 400 million end-customers. Our products operate on our
cloud-native and cloud-agnostic, API first, micro-services-based platform,
SunTec Xelerate and are delivered on-premises, on private cloud and as
SaaS. SunTec Xelerate offers high-performance, advanced security,
scalability, resilience, and agility even while handling large volumes of
customer and transaction data. Integrations with transaction systems, customer
onboarding systems, and partner management systems help in the real-time
automated recommendation of products, offerings and pricing to customers and
At a glance