Marketing Content Hub

by Stylelabs NV

360° marketing content management

Marketing Content Hub integrates and blends boundaries between traditional marketing silos. It provides an integrated solution for:
  • Digital asset management (DAM)
    to store, manage and distribute your digital marketing assets.
  • Marketing portal
    that offers you a direct dialogue with your marketing community through an engaging, branded, responsive marketing and brand portal.
  • Marketing resource management (MRM)
    to streamline your marketing content planning, production, and publication.
  • Web to Print
    to allow users to self-service and automate collateral creation.
  • Digital rights management (DRM)
    to keep track of rights and match intended use with what you’ve licensed.
  • Product information management (PIM).
    to stay on top of your product content.
Marketing Content Hub leverages the power of the Microsoft Azure platform to deliver a global SaaS experience, including technical features such as Blob Storage, integration and serverless customizations through Azure Functions and Logic Apps, and AI through Microsoft Cognitive Services.

At a glance