StaffCircle Integration for Microsoft Teams

by StaffCircle Ltd.

Turn your Microsoft Teams into a fully blown Performance Management and Culture System

What is StaffCircle?

It’s a Cloud platform packed with user-friendly tools and templates that managers and teams can access on any device. Check-ins, performance reviews, 360 degree feedback, KPIs, development plans and realtime feedback linked to your competency framework are all prompted, scheduled and recorded in StaffCircle.

Use StaffCircle to create a high performing culture that makes your business more productive and commercially successful. High performing cultures are driven by effective performance management and employee engagement – that’s why the StaffCircle platform is uniquely designed to do both.

Manage Performance & Build Culture from within Microsoft Teams

Adding to Microsoft's Teams well-known remote collaboration benefits, StaffCircle's integration turns Microsoft Teams into a fully functioning performance management and culture system whilst using the familiar Microsoft interface. All internal communication articles can be pushed directly into Teams along with images relating to the article.  This doesn't only create engaging content directly inside Teams but also a way to measure and track engagement.

Furthermore, other types of People Management related notifications can be delivered directly to users inside Teams for items such as One2Ones, Performance Reviews, Objective Updates, Task Completion, Holiday and Sickness notifications and even Critical Communications alerts.

Adapt to the 'New Normal', Distributed Workforce

With workforces distributed across different locations, it’s hard to keep everyone on track with reviews, feedback and objectives in a typical performance management process. 

Your business and market move way faster than your annual appraisal process. Talented workers don’t get the recognition and opportunities they deserve, so you risk losing them. Others miss out on development that could make them more skilled productive. 

All this is tied up with communication and engagement. You need to be able to get key messages out to all your workers, wherever they are and whatever their workstyle. You need to support collaboration in teams, departments and throughout your organisation.

At a glance