
by Smart Risk Alpha

Advanced Technology for Building Investment Portfolios


Build-My-Fund is a customizable, interactive technology that enables Professional Investors to access a range of diverse set of return-generating payoffs and craft them into investment products with investor-centric risk / return profile. The application automates tedious tasks and simplifies complex aspects of investment analytics, freeing Professional Investors to maximize their potential for innovation.

You don’t need to be a quant to develop sophisticated investment solutions with this technology. The expertise and benefits provided by Build-My-Fund come at a fraction of the cost of traditional infrastructure development.


Build-My-Fund is a versatile product with numerous applications:

Professional Investors: Utilize the technology to build institutional-quality portfolios containing readily available investment products such as ETFs and pre-build strategies.

Asset Managers: Leverage the technology to create investment products such as indices for ETFs, long-only funds and hedge funds by combining systematic, thematic, and ESG strategies to meet specific investment goals.

Talent Expansion: By eliminating the complexity of portfolio construction, Build-My-Fund allows a wider talent base of Professional Investors to contribute to the seamless creation and provision of investment solutions.

At a glance