Quorum Software Upstream On Demand Suite

by Quorum Software

Connect teams and systems utilizing well operations, production, land management, AFE, & accounting.

Streamline upstream operations with the only cloud-powered solution that integrates workflows across well operations, land management, accounting, AFE, and production operations.

  • On Demand Accounting helps you track your financials and revenue from exploration to distribution. Combine full GL and core financial system, accounts payable, accounts receivable, joint interest billing, authorization for expenditures, division order, and revenue accounting.
  • On Demand Land, formerly known as Landdox, helps you stay lean and in compliance at any operational size for agility. Manage ownership stakes, obligations, payments, and agreement information such as leases, contracts, easements and ROW.
  • On Demand Well Operations, formerly WellEz, empowers your operations team and drives productivity with complete well lifecycle reporting. Capture field data, activity, and costs; distributing daily reports and performing operational analysis.
  • On Demand Production Operations empowers teams with complete visibility and advances production with one software solution that accurately tracks production performance, captures field data, allocates production, and helps you stay current with regulatory reporting.

  • On Demand SCADA reduces asset overhead, minimizes risk, decreases unnecessary site visits by remotely monitoring your equipment and flow rates, sending out configurable alarms, and natively integrating with Quorum's On Demand Production Operations application.

  • Execute module formerly known as AFE Navigator, is streamlines the entire AFE process from creation to approval. Gain faster approvals, complete control of capital project spending while reducing cost overruns. Ensure increased visibility into AFE status, budget, actuals, accruals, and field estimates across accounting and operations teams.

  • On Demand Data Hub empowers your organization with unbridled access to data across the suite, providing the agility needed to rapidly make informed decisions and drive your business forward.

At a glance