Vaccine Distribution System (VDS)

by PwC IT Services Sp. z o. o. (WARSZAWA)

End-to-end solution for managing your country’s or territory’s COVID-19 vaccine delivery process

At PwC, we have been supporting governments across the globe, helping them with COVID-19 vaccine distribution and overcoming some critical challenges. Thus, if you need to: 

  • Manage a repository of vaccination sites, staff, orders and vaccines themselves,

  • Track ordering process and report losses,

  • Register and manage patients as well as their vaccination appointments according to any given prioritization rules,

  • Produce reports on real-time data for any element included in the system, 

  • Provide participants with seamless user experience.

We can help you solve your myriad vaccine challenges with our Vaccine Distribution System (VDS). 

VDS is based on Microsoft Power Platform technology which allows rapid development of functionalities supporting highly customized business processes, and advanced integration with the government institutions, pharmaceutical distribution wholesalers, the national grids, a data warehouse and reporting functionality. The system leverages on Microsoft Azure to scale its infrastructure and ensure optimum performance, and Power BI for more complex reporting requirements. 

VDS addresses the three key challenges governments face in protecting the public from COVID-19:

  • Scale and timeframe: PwC offers system delivery in as little as three weeks, supporting high scalability of users, vaccination sites and daily vaccine orders

  • Functionality: VDS manages and supports the complete vaccine delivery process – vaccine distribution planning, offers, orders, tracking deliveries and reporting

  • Integration and maintenance: VDS integrates government agencies, pharmaceutical wholesalers, national grid users and a data warehouse, with Power BI supporting complex reporting needs.

PwC is a Microsoft Gold Partner with a global alliance launched in 2015. As a Power Platform partner, PwC is helping clients to quickly build impactful solutions, and scale their business on cloud infrastructure.

At a glance