Abiliti™ for Occupational Claims Management

by LifeWorks

Abiliti™ is an industry-leading software for case management of workplace illnesses and injuries

Our Occupational Claims Management Bundle leverages a structured workflow designed for quality assurance, reduced administration time, proactive task-driven incident reporting, case management and administration. 


Solutions included:

AbilitiAlert™—web-based platform that includes an easy-to-follow series of questions, guiding people leaders through the critical first steps of reporting workplace incidents, injuries and illnesses following an event. Taking the guesswork out of the incident reporting process reduces the risk of errors and administration time. Employees immediately have the right forms, clearly documented next steps, and modified job offer (if applicable). People leaders easily complete the employee package, incident investigation and provincial documents all in one streamlined process.

AbilitiManage™—case management software for sick leave, disability, workplace incident, injury, and illness. Built with the experience of our over 500 case managers, it’s the backbone of our award-winning Absence and Disability Management program. The workflow makes it easier to work with provincial board.

AbilitiConnect™—central source for people leaders and plan sponsors that contains up to the minute information on all absences, with access to real time, aggregate reporting and trending.


Additional supports included:

  • Automated creation of employee and people leader packages, including modified duties offer, instructions, custom investigation form and completion of provincial workers compensation board forms.
  • Data tracking, analysis and reporting
  • Demographic/eligible file configuration.
  • Four hours of live training plus on-demand virtual training.
  • Full case management workflow including digital mailroom for automation of all documentation.
  • Incident notification to employer stakeholders.
  • Occupational incident reporting (web submission).
  • Seamless referral to case management support for up to 10 case manager users.


We designed the Occupational Claims Management Bundle to support our clients with managing the financial impact, legal risk, and administrative complexities of Workers’ Compensation claims.

At a glance