Loopr Data Labelling
by loopr AI Inc.
Delivering better AI through a high quality, scalable and cost-effective data labeling solution.
The Loopr Platform, powered by AI Assisted Annotation and Active Learning, is an easy-to-use data labelling solution that helps your team build high-quality training data at scale for AI/ML models. With semi-automated features for image, text and document annotation, training your model is faster and more accurate. Loopr labeling service consist of trained and certified women annotators ensuring high quality data that is both scalable and affordable. Annotations go through review and common consensus for best-in-class accuracy. We use different inbuilt software tools for annotation like Polygon Annotation, Polyline annotation, Semantic Segmentation, Bounding box, Cuboid, and Point Annotation. The Loopr Labeling Service was inspired by an opportunity to empower women around the world.