Leanware MES

by Leanware

Information and directions flow from operative management right to production automation.

LeanwareMES (Manufacturing Execution System) is intended for the management and tracing of the operative functions in production. MES transmits information between various systems and production automation. MES is the missing piece between ERP and production. The system gathers all of the production information into one interface without losing any.

The LeanwareMES system user interface displays real-time and necessary information in the right place. When instructions and information are where they should be, the learning curve becomes shorter, mistakes become fewer and work is completed when it should be. Work flows smoothly!

LeanwareMES differs from a traditional production management system in that it only shows the worker the information they need for the task at hand; a production worker only needs to follow one view. LeanwareMES directs and assists the production worker at the workstation, so there is no need to leave the station. This increases work quality and efficiency.

At a glance