Vinea for Winegrowers and Vineyards

by Information Power Limited

Assembling data on crop, viticultural practices, terroir, place and weather to produce great wine.

Vinea is Vineyard Management Software. It combines web and mobile apps to assemble data on the crop, viticultural practices, terroir, location and environment in one place, eliminating isolated islands of data with all vineyard data – all to produce the perfect glass of wine!

Vinea understands Vineyards

From the block to the row and the row to the vine and through detailed temporal and spatial data it empowers growers to make more informed and timely crop decisions, lifting vineyard productivity.

Data Management:

Vinea captures essential data related to vineyard management, including quality, yield, and production costs across vintages and location. It helps growers to make informed decisions and timely interventions.

Visualise Vineyards, blocks, rows and vine locations on maps – pinpoint your most valuable asset!

Track labour based activities - know what gets done, where, when and by whom:

  • Job management and tracking include activity recording for individuals and teams in the field down to row level
  • Integrated Quality Assessments of common activities such as pruning with results displayed on performance dashboards
  • Tracking the distribution of consumables to workers
  • Tracking worker absences with alerts to pastoral care staff.,

Record crop measures:

  • Create crop sampling requests and record data in the field (including sample bud, bunch and berry/bunch counts, maturity bunch and berry weights)
  • Sampling for pest and disease incidence and severity
  • Record phenological stages and dates using the Modified EL scale (such a budburst, flowering, veraison)
  • Record grape maturity measures (Brix, TA, pH)
  • Generate progressive yield estimates

API Integration:

  • with vineyard sensors providers to ingest climate data including temperature, rainfall, humidity, growing degree days to show in charts and maps.
  • with winery software (e.g. Vintrace) to ingest data from Maturity Samples and Harvest intakes
  • for external service providers to upload vineyard job progress data
  • with ArcGIS to load maps and spatial data for vineyards, blocks, rows and vines

Realtime access to data:

The Vinea apps provide real-time access to data with the ability to visualize and analyse information at a block and row level, supporting better decision-making and planning.

Vinea adapts to the specific needs of your business.

You can choose from a range of integrated apps to optimize operations and increase profitability.


Vinea’s suite of mobile apps enables paperless data collection in the field using tablets or smartphones, both online and offline. Say goodbye to paperwork and unnecessary trips to the office.

Supports Sustainable Labour Practices, Compliance, Payroll and Invoicing

Vinea helps with compliance with detail worker profile data, payroll, invoicing, and record-keeping systems, making administrative tasks easier and more efficient.

Whether you’re a grape grower, wine company, or labour manager, Vinea provides accurate, timely information to enhance vineyard performance and drive success

At a glance