by IMTCloud
Security in the education center, peace of mind for the families
Active participation of teachers and families.
Integral solution for education.
Service agent for desktop control in windows.
Experience of Access and Privacy
Responsible management of personal data, dividing the school and the family environments. Respect for the families’ privacy and the school’s, accessing each one to their own data.
Granular security over the searches, Google and YouTube access
Multiple filters, extremely configurable and adapted to the different needs of each educational community.
Assessing of the user using image analysis
Images bank with Artificial Intelligence techniques and advanced analysis capabilities to help with the decision making and the adequate management of an educational environment.
Classroom management as work spaces
Classes designed as work spaces in which the teacher manages them by subjects and that persist over time, so another teacher can join and manage those work spaces effortlessly.
Boost the tools you use on a daily basis
We achieve better efficiency and participation from the education community, increasing the behaviour analysis and students’ usage habits and optimizing the communication with other educational apps.
Essential Desktop for Windows
Maximizing the learning experience in a superior security environment, specifically designed for Windows.