Churchill Promotional Demand Forecaster v5.2

by Churchill Systems Inc.

Accurately predict consumer demand for your products caused by promotional events.

Churchill's Promotional Demand Forecaster (PDF) is built for the needs of today's complex retail environment. Promotional activities such as price discount, print advertising, store displays, social media campaigns, etc. all play a role in driving consumers to buy. PDF accurately predicts the impact of these promotional activities on consumer demand. Demand Forecasts can be produced at any level (item, store, day or week). This is a critical application for inventory management, pricing experts, merchandise planning and more. Gone are the days of manual forecasts based on LY sales and a trend. For over 30 years, Churchill Systems has applied AI Machine Learning to real-world Retail Environments with incredible results. And with Churchill PDF, powered by Azure, practical AI demand forecasting is within your reach.

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