F2 AI Assistant for government

by cBrain

Utilize Historic Data with AI On-Premises

Common AI chatbots often fall short of agencies’ need to protect data. cBrain’s Large Language Models are embedded in our technology stack and hosted on-premises within the F2 platform and its databases. This way all data stays within the platform architecture maximizing cyber and data security options. An F2 AI Assistant is now a standard module on the platform.

Adding to this, cBrain’s concept of F2 AI Expert allows agencies to bring their old case law to life. Agencies most often store decisions communicated to citizens, companies or the public as PDFs. This corpus represents a huge, but often unutilized knowledge base. With as little as a metadata tag added to the document, the F2 AI Expert gives caseworkers a contextualized chatbot. The chatbot searches and summarizes answers to queries found with related searches across thousands of documents processed in a vector database, thereby preventing hallucinations.
F2 AI Experts are now a configurable part of the F2 platform, making internal AI-chatbots deployable in a matter of weeks as a tool for both caseworkers and the public.

At a glance